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“All Photography” Art Exhibition – February 2014

“All Photography” Art Exhibition – February 2014 post image

The January 2014 competition was our 3rd Annual “All Photography” Art Competition. The submission process and competition for the photographers began in the middle of December 2013 and concluded on January 27, 2014.

The gallery received 537 entries from 16 different countries from around the world, including the Australia,  Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Qatar, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates. In addition, the gallery also received entries from 32 different states.

Overall, the gallery received a broad selection photography, including, film, digital, digital manipulation and alternative processes and the gallery tried to include these styles and processes in this art exhibition.

The gallery has included Special Merit awards and Special Recognition awards for outstanding photography into this art exhibition. The photographers in either of these groups could have easily been included in the upper tier of our winners, as their photography was exceptional as well.

It is our hope that the viewer will take the time to also enjoy their beautiful photography too. To view their work click on the thumbnail image and that will take you a Slide Show. In order to leave the Slide Show at any time, just click on the large image in order to escape.

The gallery would like to thank everyone for participating in this art competition. Just because your photography was not selected is not a reflection on your artistic talents and skill. It takes a lot of courage and nerve to enter and expose yourself to this type of competition and you should be applauded for your efforts. Please do not give up entering additional art competitions and calls, as your photography could have easily been chosen as well.

All winning photographers will now be featured on the Light Space & Time website for the month of February 2014 and thereafter, the photography and links to the photographer’s websites will remain online in the Light Space & Time Archives. Congratulations to the photographers who made our 3rd Annual “All Photography” Art Exhibition so successful this month. At any time, we invite our winners and other interested visitors to link their websites to the Gallery’s archive page for further ongoing promotion.

If anyone has any comments, thoughts or feedback, we would like to hear from you, as we would like to improve our online gallery, our art competitions and our art exhibitions. Thank you.

Overall Winning Category – The overall winning artist’s category consists of the 10 Best Entries judged for this competition.  Please go to the results of the All Photography Art Exhibition “Overall Winning” Category here.

Special Merit Award Category – These are photographers whose photography we felt could easily be judged higher (and were) but due to the size constraints for this exhibition, this photography was not included. Otherwise, any of the Special Merit photography, in many cases, is interchangeable with the best photography that we selected for the top tier. Please go to the results of the All Photography Art Exhibition “Special Merit Award” Category here.

Special Recognition Award Category – Any of the photographers in the Special Recognition category could have easily been included in the upper rank of the winning entries, as their photography was also exceptional. Please go to the results of the All Photography Art Exhibition “Special Recognition Award” Category here.

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